Jobsub ID
Jobsub ID | | |
Workflow ID | 3579 | |
Stage ID | 1 | |
User name | | |
HTCondor Group | group_dune.prod_mcsim | |
Requested | Processors | 1 |
RSS bytes | 4193255424 (3999 MiB) | |
Wall seconds limit | 18000 (5 hours) | |
Submitted time | 2024-10-04 16:53:07 | |
Site | US_UChicago | |
Entry | Engage_US_MWT2_uiuc_gk02_condce_mcore | |
Last heartbeat | 2024-10-04 20:42:37 | |
From worker node | Hostname | |
cpuinfo | Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz | |
OS release | Scientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen) | |
Processors | 1 | |
RSS bytes | 4193255424 (3999 MiB) | |
Wall seconds limit | 86400 (24 hours) | |
Inner Apptainer? | True | |
Job state | finished | |
Allocator name | | |
Started | 2024-10-04 17:45:09 | |
Input files | hd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925.hdf5 | |
Jobscript | Exit code | 0 |
Real time | 2h (10574s) | |
CPU time | 2h (9626s = 91%) | |
Outputting started | 2024-10-04 20:41:24 | |
Output files | hd-protodune-det-reco:np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup.root hd-protodune-det-reco:np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup_hists.root | |
Finished | 2024-10-04 20:42:37 | |
Saved logs | | |
List job events Wrapper job log |
Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)
3 hits in TPC 5 9639 hits in TPC 6 5638 hits in TPC 7 0 X, 0 U, 0 V bad channels Finding XUV coincidences... C:0 T:0 82 XUs and 59 XVs -> 5 XUVs C:0 T:1 3582 XUs and 3307 XVs -> 410 XUVs C:0 T:2 11721 XUs and 6837 XVs -> 429 XUVs C:0 T:3 193 XUs and 215 XVs -> 6 XUVs C:0 T:4 193 XUs and 249 XVs -> 21 XUVs C:0 T:5 24162 XUs and 22496 XVs -> 728 XUVs C:0 T:6 55746 XUs and 31934 XVs -> 2950 XUVs C:0 T:7 807 XUs and 726 XVs -> 27 XUVs 4576 XUVs total 1340 collection wire objects 4576 potential space points Neighbour search... 278118 tests to find 149916 neighbours Iterating with no regularization... Begin: 1.59273e+08 0 1.26778e+08 1 1.22375e+08 2 1.22211e+08 3 1.22189e+08 Now with regularization... Begin: 1.18848e+08 0 1.1882e+08 BdtBeamParticleIdTool::SliceFeatures::GetLeadingCaloHits - empty calo hit list ---INTERPRETED-MATCHING-OUTPUT------------------------------------------------------------------ ---SUMMARY-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ no of hits closeby 0 event 1680 TrkackID 0 startx, y, z 315.159 609.812 436.755 wireno, peakt tpcno 396 5 5 dist 0min T, max_T5 4113 no of hits closeby 0 event 1680 TrkackID 0 startx, y, z 315.159 609.812 436.755 wireno, peakt tpcno 396 5 5 dist 0min T, max_T5 4113 04-Oct-2024 16:41:10 EDT Closed output file "np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup.root" 04-Oct-2024 16:41:10 EDT Closed input file "np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1.root" ======================================================================================================================================== TimeTracker printout (sec) Min Avg Max Median RMS nEvts ======================================================================================================================================== Full event 126.559 207.256 455 185.476 62.2656 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source:RootInput(read) 0.000780216 0.00416236 0.0112494 0.00417552 0.00222747 40 produce:fembfilter:PDHDFEMBFilter 0.927896 1.3334 5.04202 1.20879 0.643611 40 produce:wclsdatahd:WireCellToolkit 66.3438 75.7267 84.5979 75.0078 5.33988 40 produce:gaushit:GausHitFinder 0.839069 1.47414 2.62397 1.41997 0.364015 40 produce:nhitsfilter:NumberOfHitsFilter 0.000449124 0.000701637 0.00116863 0.000665013 0.000160221 40 produce:reco3d:SpacePointSolver 0.371925 4.29701 43.903 1.62627 8.16257 40 produce:hitpdune:DisambigFromSpacePoints 0.392434 1.5925 6.08 1.37059 1.08483 40 produce:pandora:StandardPandora 12.8166 35.3189 144.131 27.0218 22.5746 40 produce:pandoraWriter:StandardPandora 0.183715 0.336049 0.628685 0.311365 0.092401 40 produce:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation 1.63195 5.61276 13.0735 5.19863 2.41061 40 produce:pandoraShower:LArPandoraShowerCreation 1.13914 7.8015 23.9133 6.46834 4.47145 40 produce:pandoracalo:Calorimetry 0.560286 2.33925 5.97873 2.16713 1.12912 40 produce:pandoracalonosce:Calorimetry 0.530986 2.23067 6.0802 2.00569 1.13343 40 produce:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID 0.00262242 0.00394845 0.00606111 0.0037684 0.000927633 40 produce:pandoraShowercalo:ShowerCalorimetry 0.920949 6.47298 21.8276 5.27927 4.15263 40 produce:pandoraShowercalonosce:ShowerCalorimetry 0.88291 6.20863 21.004 5.11644 3.95315 40 produce:pandoraGnocchiCalo:GnocchiCalorimetry 0.144014 0.258435 0.439807 0.246925 0.0725297 40 produce:pandoraGnocchiCalonosce:GnocchiCalorimetry 0.0578199 0.103477 0.177438 0.0999516 0.0282995 40 produce:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId 27.6465 52.1056 98.1661 50.6754 13.8757 40 [art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter 6.7724e-05 8.7939e-05 0.000172925 8.555e-05 1.70992e-05 40 end_path:out1:RootOutput 1.754e-05 2.8187e-05 0.000114339 2.43005e-05 1.58068e-05 40 end_path:michelremoving:michelremoving 0.0348765 0.200676 0.980033 0.109545 0.183739 40 end_path:michelremovinggnocchi:michelremoving 0.0347856 0.191633 0.978231 0.100838 0.178349 40 end_path:calibanagnocchi:CalibAnaTree 0.399055 1.88264 4.91697 1.62386 0.962893 40 end_path:out1:RootOutput(write) 0.796295 1.52479 2.88864 1.4564 0.428452 40 ======================================================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used) Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak) : 5072.36 MB Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2670.01 MB Details saved in: 'mem.db' ==================================================================================================== Art has completed and will exit with status 0. Output files: \tReco: np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup.root \tHists: np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup_hists.root Forming reco metadata Successfully opened file np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup.root Ran successfully { "name": "np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup.root", "namespace": "hd-protodune-det-reco", "metadata": { "core.file_format": "artroot", "": "reco", "": "dunesw", "core.application.version": "v09_91_02d01", "core.data_tier": "full-reconstructed", "dune.config_file": "standard_reco_stage2_calibration_protodunehd_keepup.fcl", "dune.campaign": "hd-protodune-reco-keepup-v0", "core.start_time": 1728066115.0, "core.end_time": 1728074471.0, "": [ 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1680 ], "core.event_count": 40, "core.first_event_number": 1641, "core.last_event_number": 1680, "core.data_stream": "cosmics", "core.file_content_status": "good", "core.file_type": "detector", "core.run_type": "hd-protodune", "core.runs": [ 27604 ], "core.runs_subruns": [ 2760400001 ], "dune.daq_test": false, "retention.status": "active", "retention.class": "physics", "origin.applications.config_files": { "reco1": "standard_reco_stage1_protodunehd_keepup.fcl" }, "origin.applications.versions": { "reco1": "v09_91_02d01" }, "origin.applications.names": [ "reco1" ] }, "parents": [ { "did": "hd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925.hdf5" } ] }Forming hist metadata formed { "name": "np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20241004T204110_keepup_hists.root", "namespace": "hd-protodune-det-reco", "metadata": { "core.file_format": "root", "": "reco", "": "dunesw", "core.application.version": "v09_91_02d01", "core.data_tier": "root-tuple-virtual", "dune.config_file": "standard_reco_stage2_calibration_protodunehd_keepup.fcl", "dune.campaign": "hd-protodune-reco-keepup-v0", "core.start_time": 1728066115.0, "core.end_time": 1728074471.0, "core.data_stream": "cosmics", "core.file_content_status": "good", "core.file_type": "detector", "core.run_type": "hd-protodune", "core.runs": [ 27604 ], "core.runs_subruns": [ 2760400001 ], "dune.daq_test": false, "retention.status": "active", "retention.class": "physics", "origin.applications.config_files": { "reco1": "standard_reco_stage1_protodunehd_keepup.fcl" }, "origin.applications.versions": { "reco1": "v09_91_02d01" }, "origin.applications.names": [ "reco1" ] }, "parents": [ { "did": "hd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run027604_0041_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240702T163925.hdf5" } ] }