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Allocator Service

Once a wrapper job arrives at a worker node, it contacts the allocator service which determines which unallocated file from one stage best matches that worker node. This matching includes the characteristics of the worker node job slot (memory, time limit etc), and whether the site is eligible to access a replica of that data file. The matching takes into account that some stage definitions allow access to remote input files anywhere on the grid, and others require files to be at a "nearby" site. Replicas are prioritized based on whether the worker node and replica are at the same site, "nearby", or elsewhere but still eligible.

The jobscript to be ran and the details of the workflow and stage are returned to the wrapper job. The script can use these details to workflow a series of files to process with the application it invokes. Each input file successfully processed by the application is reported to the allocator service so that the input file’s status can be updated from Allocated to Processed. Unprocessed input files are returned to the unallocated state for processing in another job.

If the stage is not the final stage for that workflow, each output data file is also inserted into the list of files associated with the next stage for that workflow, in the unallocated state.

justIN time: 2024-09-29 05:22:15 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.08