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Jobsub ID 78455.44@justin-prod-sched02.dune.hep.ac.uk

Jobsub ID78455.44@justin-prod-sched02.dune.hep.ac.uk
Workflow ID3451
Stage ID1
User namecalcuttj@fnal.gov
HTCondor Groupgroup_dune.prod_mcsim
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit18000 (5 hours)
Submitted time2024-09-26 09:57:01
Last heartbeat2024-09-26 11:14:18
From worker nodeHostnameccwcondor0635
cpuinfoAMD EPYC 7453 28-Core Processor
OS releaseScientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit106200 (29 hours)
Inner Apptainer?True
Job statejobscript_error
Allocator namejustin-allocator-pro.dune.hep.ac.uk
Started2024-09-26 10:08:37
Input fileshd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run029107_2259_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240908T042901.hdf5
JobscriptExit code1
Real time0m (0s)
CPU time0m (0s = 0%)
Outputting started 
Output files
Finished2024-09-26 11:14:18
Saved logsjustin-logs:78455.44-justin-prod-sched02.dune.hep.ac.uk.logs.tgz
List job events     Wrapper job log

Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)

0 XVs -> 10 XUVs
C:0 T:5 50157 XUs and 61109 XVs -> 3428 XUVs
C:0 T:6 28113 XUs and 12934 XVs -> 227 XUVs
C:0 T:7 122 XUs and 213 XVs -> 3 XUVs
4204 XUVs total
1118 collection wire objects
4204 potential space points
Neighbour search...
217218 tests to find 123512 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 3.80769e+07
0 3.61137e+07
1 3.59097e+07
2 3.58769e+07
Now with regularization...
Begin: 3.50995e+07
0 3.5088e+07

Begin processing the 29th record. run: 29107 subRun: 1 event: 542416 at 26-Sep-2024 13:10:20 CEST
RawFrameSource: got 10240 raw::RawDigit objects
	input nticks=5859 keeping as is
Retagger: tagging trace set: wiener with 58565 traces, 58565 summary
Retagger: tagging trace set: gauss with 45733 traces, 0 summary
wclsFrameSaver saving cooked to 5859 ticks
wclsFrameSaver: saving 45733 traces tagged "gauss"
FrameSaver: q=932948 n=849017 tag=gauss
wclsFrameSaver: saving 58565 traces tagged "wiener"
FrameSaver: q=989868 n=770189 tag=wiener
3913 hits in TPC 0
3068 hits in TPC 1
2784 hits in TPC 2
1645 hits in TPC 3
4690 hits in TPC 4
6597 hits in TPC 5
6005 hits in TPC 6
2531 hits in TPC 7
0 X, 0 U, 0 V bad channels
Finding XUV coincidences...
C:0 T:1 7617 XUs and 5345 XVs -> 169 XUVs
C:0 T:2 4992 XUs and 3361 XVs -> 167 XUVs
C:0 T:3 11 XUs and 7 XVs -> 0 XUVs
C:0 T:4 87 XUs and 102 XVs -> 1 XUVs
C:0 T:5 24907 XUs and 20986 XVs -> 582 XUVs
C:0 T:6 15965 XUs and 14500 XVs -> 305 XUVs
C:0 T:7 38 XUs and 25 XVs -> 4 XUVs
1228 XUVs total
944 collection wire objects
1228 potential space points
Neighbour search...
11878 tests to find 6858 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 2.87735e+06
0 2.78578e+06
1 2.78273e+06
2 2.78257e+06
Now with regularization...
Begin: 2.55072e+06
0 2.55062e+06

no of hits closeby  0   event 542416 TrkackID 0 startx, y, z 84.0339 592.579 291.599  wireno, peakt tpcno 103 44 5 dist 2.86226min T, max_T12.9644 3880.66
no of hits closeby  1   event 542416 TrkackID 1 startx, y, z 15.2883 589.294 206.698  wireno, peakt tpcno 464 2622.07 5 dist 0min T, max_T2581.47 4707.11
no of hits closeby  0   event 542416 TrkackID 0 startx, y, z 84.0339 592.579 291.599  wireno, peakt tpcno 103 44 5 dist 2.86226min T, max_T12.9644 3880.66
no of hits closeby  1   event 542416 TrkackID 1 startx, y, z 15.2883 589.294 206.698  wireno, peakt tpcno 464 2622.07 5 dist 0min T, max_T2581.47 4707.11
Begin processing the 30th record. run: 29107 subRun: 1 event: 542424 at 26-Sep-2024 13:11:34 CEST
RawFrameSource: got 10240 raw::RawDigit objects
	input nticks=5859 keeping as is
Retagger: tagging trace set: wiener with 54478 traces, 54478 summary
Retagger: tagging trace set: gauss with 41540 traces, 0 summary
wclsFrameSaver saving cooked to 5859 ticks
wclsFrameSaver: saving 41540 traces tagged "gauss"
FrameSaver: q=911596 n=798196 tag=gauss
wclsFrameSaver: saving 54478 traces tagged "wiener"
FrameSaver: q=982043 n=729318 tag=wiener
3390 hits in TPC 0
3064 hits in TPC 1
5685 hits in TPC 2
3772 hits in TPC 3
2250 hits in TPC 4
3742 hits in TPC 5
4176 hits in TPC 6
3740 hits in TPC 7
0 X, 0 U, 0 V bad channels
Finding XUV coincidences...
C:0 T:1 393 XUs and 236 XVs -> 13 XUVs
C:0 T:2 20018 XUs and 22836 XVs -> 1596 XUVs
C:0 T:3 336 XUs and 496 XVs -> 47 XUVs
C:0 T:4 215 XUs and 270 XVs -> 6 XUVs
C:0 T:5 6685 XUs and 8725 XVs -> 178 XUVs
C:0 T:6 8977 XUs and 8766 XVs -> 336 XUVs
C:0 T:7 2210 XUs and 3500 XVs -> 212 XUVs
2388 XUVs total
797 collection wire objects
2388 potential space points
Neighbour search...
111122 tests to find 58760 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 7.96872e+06
0 7.13503e+06
1 7.06739e+06
2 7.05485e+06
3 7.0515e+06
Now with regularization...
Begin: 6.52714e+06
0 6.52489e+06
BdtBeamParticleIdTool::SliceFeatures::GetLeadingCaloHits - empty calo hit list

26-Sep-2024 13:12:47 CEST  Closed output file "np04hd_raw_run029107_2259_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240908T042901_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T111247_keepup.root"
26-Sep-2024 13:12:47 CEST  Closed input file "np04hd_raw_run029107_2259_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240908T042901_reco_stage1.root"

TimeTracker printout (sec)                                Min           Avg           Max         Median          RMS         nEvts   
Full event                                              56.0967       87.5409       137.461       88.0923       20.9252        30     
source:RootInput(read)                                0.000585983   0.00312221    0.00603641    0.00335762    0.00134789       30     
produce:fembfilter:PDHDFEMBFilter                      0.492166      0.676994      0.962928      0.668515      0.119577        30     
produce:wclsdatahd:WireCellToolkit                      29.5366       37.6421       46.3324       36.7548       4.83762        30     
produce:gaushit:GausHitFinder                           0.29337      0.660717       1.09436      0.630703       0.22865        30     
produce:nhitsfilter:NumberOfHitsFilter                0.000211916   0.000347284   0.000757705   0.000330407   0.000101697      30     
produce:reco3d:SpacePointSolver                        0.105132       1.04393       2.57047      0.943593      0.655185        30     
produce:hitpdune:DisambigFromSpacePoints               0.113306      0.511177       1.08677      0.464473      0.270847        30     
produce:pandora:StandardPandora                         4.50659       11.2223       26.0354       10.2437       5.36808        30     
produce:pandoraWriter:StandardPandora                  0.0842821     0.159148      0.245765      0.157249      0.0483079       30     
produce:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation           0.584572       1.86705       4.05045       1.80747      0.712797        30     
produce:pandoraShower:LArPandoraShowerCreation         0.607079       2.35576       5.50491       1.99307       1.10161        30     
produce:pandoracalo:Calorimetry                        0.329937      0.865273       1.78376      0.806724      0.363645        30     
produce:pandoracalonosce:Calorimetry                   0.267891      0.805474       1.62268      0.811642       0.33351        30     
produce:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID                     0.00122193    0.00211319    0.00522892    0.00196906    0.000827623      30     
produce:pandoraShowercalo:ShowerCalorimetry            0.467771       2.00132       4.37818       2.00231      0.940629        30     
produce:pandoraShowercalonosce:ShowerCalorimetry       0.476105       1.95175       4.2024        1.79439      0.903852        30     
produce:pandoraGnocchiCalo:GnocchiCalorimetry          0.0716869     0.140957       0.2604       0.129447      0.047517        30     
produce:pandoraGnocchiCalonosce:GnocchiCalorimetry     0.0244599      0.05022      0.0893402     0.048198      0.0160937       30     
produce:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId                   13.3672       23.8503       47.0823       22.5889       6.9646         30     
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter            2.3945e-05    5.88573e-05   0.000149098   5.6405e-05    2.30783e-05      30     
end_path:out1:RootOutput                               7.254e-06    1.57581e-05   4.9993e-05    1.4547e-05    7.44811e-06      30     
end_path:michelremoving:michelremoving                 0.0181751     0.0866032     0.301468      0.051545      0.0773984       30     
end_path:michelremovinggnocchi:michelremoving          0.0171627     0.0832006     0.319832      0.0511554     0.0732672       30     
end_path:calibanagnocchi:CalibAnaTree                  0.186786      0.620409       1.73863      0.569434      0.295933        30     
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write)                        0.378841      0.723096       1.22822      0.714896      0.198718        30     

MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)

  Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak)  : 4922.85 MB
  Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2350.51 MB
  Details saved in: 'mem.db'
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
Output files:
\tReco: np04hd_raw_run029107_2259_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240908T042901_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T111247_keepup.root
\tHists: np04hd_raw_run029107_2259_dataflow0_datawriter_0_20240908T042901_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T111247_keepup_hists.root
Forming reco metadata
/cvmfs/larsoft.opensciencegrid.org/products/python/v3_9_15/Linux64bit+3.10-2.17/bin/python: No module named meta_maker
Error in reco metadata
justIN time: 2024-09-29 11:16:07 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.08