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Jobsub ID 75262.1@justin-prod-sched02.dune.hep.ac.uk

Jobsub ID75262.1@justin-prod-sched02.dune.hep.ac.uk
Workflow ID3317
Stage ID1
User nameamoor@fnal.gov
HTCondor Groupgroup_dune
RSS bytes4194304000 (4000 MiB)
Wall seconds limit80000 (22 hours)
Submitted time2024-09-20 12:23:13
Last heartbeat2024-09-20 12:26:44
From worker nodeHostnamed12chas586.crc.nd.edu
cpuinfoIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz
OS releaseScientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
RSS bytes4194304000 (4000 MiB)
Wall seconds limit171000 (47 hours)
Inner Apptainer?True
Job stateaborted
Allocator namejustin-allocator-pro.dune.hep.ac.uk
Started2024-09-20 12:25:27
Input filesusertests:000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z.root
Outputting started2024-09-20 12:26:30
Output files
Finished2024-09-20 12:26:44
List job events     Wrapper job log

Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)

with ID 194
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 195
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 196
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 197
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 198
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 199
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 200
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 201
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 202
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 203
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 204
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 205
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 206
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 207
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 208
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 209
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 210
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 211
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 212
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 213
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 214
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 215
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 216
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 217
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 218
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 219
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 220
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 221
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 222
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 223
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 224
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 225
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 226
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 227
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 228
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 229
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 230
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 231
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 232
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 233
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 234
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 235
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 236
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 237
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 238
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 239
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 240
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 241
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 242
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 243
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 244
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 245
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 246
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 247
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 248
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 249
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 250
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 251
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 252
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 253
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 254
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 255
Warning: there was no shower found for shower-like PFParticle with ID 256
20-Sep-2024 08:26:26 EDT  Closed output file "000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z_reco_data_2024-09-20T_122531Z.root"
20-Sep-2024 08:26:26 EDT  Closed input file "root://fndca1.fnal.gov:1094/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/dune/persistent/staging/usertests/43/b2/000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z.root"

TimeTracker printout (sec)                      Min           Avg           Max         Median          RMS         nEvts   
Full event                                    5.17938       11.9473       18.7151       11.9473       6.76788         2     
source:RootInput(read)                       0.011728      0.0120914     0.0124547     0.0120914    0.000363392       2     
end_path:out1:RootOutput                     8.139e-06    3.3453e-05    5.8767e-05    3.3453e-05    2.5314e-05        2     
end_path:analysistree:AnalysisTree            1.02103       5.68104       10.341        5.68104       4.66001         2     
end_path:pandoraeff:NeutrinoTrackingEff     0.000500338   0.000515573   0.000530807   0.000515573   1.52345e-05       2     
end_path:pandorashweff:NeutrinoShowerEff    0.00038147    0.000588801   0.000796132   0.000588801   0.000207331       2     
end_path:runcheckereco:CheckRecoEnergy       1.956e-05    0.000151674   0.000283788   0.000151674   0.000132114       2     
end_path:flashmatchAna:FlashMatchAna         0.119032      0.320181       0.52133      0.320181      0.201149         2     
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write)               4.02508       5.93205       7.83901       5.93205       1.90697         2     

MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)

  Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak)  : 2837.98 MB
  Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 1591.01 MB
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
=== End last 200 lines of lar log file ===
lar exit code 0
extractor_prod.py exit code 0
pdjson2metadata exit code 0
Metadata extraction succeeds
===Metadata JSON===
    "metadata": {
        "DUNE.campaign": "justIN.w3317s1",
        "art.file_format_era": "ART_2011a",
        "art.file_format_version": 15,
        "art.first_event": 4,
        "art.last_event": 128,
        "art.process_name": "Mergeana",
        "art.run_type": "physics",
        "core.application": "art.reco",
        "core.application.family": "art",
        "core.application.name": "reco",
        "core.application.version": "v09_75_03d00",
        "core.data_stream": "out1",
        "core.data_tier": "full-reconstructed",
        "core.end_time": 1726835185.0,
        "core.event_count": 2,
        "core.file_format": "artroot",
        "core.file_type": "mc",
        "core.first_event_number": 4,
        "core.last_event_number": 128,
        "core.run_type": "physics",
        "core.runs": [
        "core.runs_subruns": [
        "core.start_time": 1726835160.0
    "parents": [
            "did": "usertests:000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z.root"
total 86476
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers 86685530 Sep 20 08:26 000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z_reco_data_2024-09-20T_122531Z.root
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers  1796260 Sep 20 08:26 ana_hist.root
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers    27435 Sep 20 08:26 000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z_reco_2024-09-20T_122531Z.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers    19937 Sep 20 08:26 jobscript.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers     1202 Sep 20 08:26 000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z_reco_data_2024-09-20T_122531Z.root.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers     1105 Sep 20 08:26 000343_reco_data_2024-08-16T_162142Z_reco_data_2024-08-19T_110647Z_reco_data_2024-08-20T_095436Z_reco_data_2024-08-22T_091530Z_reco_data_2024-09-16T_135837Z_reco_data_2024-09-20T_122531Z.root.ext.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers      344 Sep 20 08:25 all-input-dids.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers      248 Sep 20 08:26 justin-processed-pfns.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 dune osgusers        0 Sep 20 08:25 debugprod.log
justIN time: 2024-09-29 09:38:02 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.08