Jobsub ID
Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)
imaryId 1, Nu 1, CR 0, MCPDG 2212, Energy 0.963555, Dist. 0.696985, nMCHits 20 (12, 6, 2)
-MatchedPfoId 1, Nu 1 [NuId: 1], CR 0, PDG 13, nMatchedHits 6 (3, 3, 0), nPfoHits 6 (3, 3, 0)
#CorrectNu: 1/1, Fraction: 1
Found: 2212 with KE=0.0252833 GeV, E=0.963555 GeV, p2=0.0480846
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShower@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 07:22:50 GMT run: 50601160 subRun: 1 event: 99000
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShower@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 07:22:50 GMT run: 50601160 subRun: 1 event: 99000
Trying to add data product: ShowerPCA. This element does not exist in the element holder
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfit@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 07:22:50 GMT run: 50601160 subRun: 1 event: 99000
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfit@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 07:22:50 GMT run: 50601160 subRun: 1 event: 99000
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 07:22:50 GMT run: 50601160 subRun: 1 event: 99000
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 07:22:50 GMT run: 50601160 subRun: 1 event: 99000
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
***Wiener Filter*******ApplyPostfilter***
Running Ophitfinder with InputDigiType = 'recob'
Found hits: 315!
23-Nov-2024 07:22:52 GMT Closed output file "atmnu_max_weighted_randompolicy_dune10kt_1x2x6_50601160_989_20231205T045230Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240510T021547Z_reco2_reco_data_2024-11-23T_061830Z.root"
23-Nov-2024 07:22:52 GMT Closed input file "root://"
TimeTracker printout (sec) Min Avg Max Median RMS nEvts
Full event 2.27687 35.693 497.826 11.0431 76.281 100
source:RootInput(read) 0.0290432 0.0640431 0.530803 0.0563573 0.0495795 100
reco:linecluster:LineCluster 0.263447 0.622411 11.1681 0.297491 1.40954 100
reco:trajcluster:TrajCluster 0.0826651 1.48445 25.6323 0.106175 4.88904 100
reco:pandora:StandardPandora 1.03211 2.57508 50.244 1.16889 6.33133 100
reco:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation 0.000139059 0.00932432 0.182007 0.00212099 0.0259044 100
reco:pandoraShower:LArPandoraModularShowerCreation 0.000171596 0.0134067 0.352603 0.0040504 0.0400401 100
reco:pandoracalo:Calorimetry 0.000101991 0.0348573 1.17353 0.001176 0.143774 100
reco:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID 3.845e-05 0.000163783 0.0010782 0.000121044 0.000148207 100
reco:trkshowersplit:TrackShowerHits 9.0699e-05 0.0305967 0.60238 0.000821812 0.10377 100
reco:pmtrack:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.00122336 2.83846 56.656 0.227936 8.36479 100
reco:pmtrackcalo:Calorimetry 8.244e-05 0.0157933 0.352318 0.00101044 0.052812 100
reco:pmtrackpid:Chi2ParticleID 3.2144e-05 0.00029897 0.00289342 0.000121747 0.000481184 100
reco:pmtrajfit:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000166654 2.59124 60.4828 0.281489 7.67309 100
reco:pmtrajfitcalo:Calorimetry 6.2941e-05 0.0346015 1.17197 0.00151208 0.141089 100
reco:pmtrajfitpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.5253e-05 0.000190916 0.00118447 0.000129941 0.000196453 100
reco:pmtracktc:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.0010062 3.22016 55.6881 0.227452 9.20234 100
reco:pmtracktccalo:Calorimetry 6.908e-05 0.0108133 0.196433 0.00112337 0.0335019 100
reco:pmtracktcpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.7217e-05 0.000276517 0.00257875 0.000132418 0.00041842 100
reco:pmtrajfittc:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000157475 1.80089 34.1699 0.274688 4.80268 100
reco:pmtrajfittccalo:Calorimetry 5.8077e-05 0.0261228 0.740453 0.00118583 0.0986245 100
reco:pmtrajfittcpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.4045e-05 0.000373808 0.00399534 0.000144146 0.000640336 100
reco:blurredcluster:BlurredClustering 0.00544728 1.15265 10.1994 0.496781 1.71521 100
reco:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId 0.24785 15.5263 186.712 3.6823 32.2673 100
reco:emshower:EMShower 0.000233805 0.0295388 0.395338 0.00581637 0.0639483 100
reco:cvnmap:CVNMapper 2.001e-05 0.0150597 0.044474 0.0150373 0.0104719 100
reco:cvneva:CVNEvaluator 1.5402e-05 0.613303 2.76917 0.749435 0.396939 100
reco:energyrecnumu:EnergyReco 0.000290578 0.0294572 0.693732 0.00743991 0.0816394 100
reco:energyrecnue:EnergyReco 0.000148226 0.00289264 0.0548145 0.000582166 0.00842494 100
reco:energyrecnc:EnergyReco 0.00172592 0.00451139 0.0557508 0.00222065 0.00836541 100
reco:energyrecnumurange:EnergyReco 0.000212375 0.0260869 0.676026 0.00203166 0.0804226 100
reco:energyrecnumumcs:EnergyReco 0.000930772 0.0272945 0.681977 0.0030639 0.0806364 100
reco:opdec:Deconvolution 0.128988 0.388251 0.901612 0.37766 0.116586 100
reco:ophitspe:OpHitFinderDeco 0.393108 2.27085 4.20999 2.28012 0.853896 100
reco:opflash:OpFlashFinder 0.000282423 0.00136506 0.00424434 0.00131692 0.000610252 100
reco:rns:RandomNumberSaver 1.8503e-05 3.18806e-05 0.000274267 2.6979e-05 2.5719e-05 100
reco:anglereconue:NuAngularReco 0.000151547 0.00232857 0.0476126 0.000358418 0.00725517 100
reco:anglereconumu:NuAngularReco 6.8765e-05 0.00207636 0.045834 0.000214626 0.00702523 100
reco:anglereconuepfps:NuAngularReco 0.000116096 0.00220397 0.0467474 0.0003131 0.00706476 100
reco:anglereconumupfps:NuAngularReco 9.3313e-05 0.00215886 0.0471431 0.00028755 0.0070908 100
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter 8.134e-06 1.03904e-05 4.251e-05 9.8405e-06 3.47969e-06 100
end_path:out1:RootOutput 2.554e-06 5.54748e-06 2.5686e-05 4.0025e-06 3.37373e-06 100
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write) 0.0107958 0.221264 0.976923 0.203655 0.167846 100
MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)
Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak) : 9733.21 MB
Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2586.82 MB
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
=== End last 100 lines of lar log file ===