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Jobsub ID 294946.2@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk

Jobsub ID294946.2@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk
Workflow ID4129
Stage ID1
User nameimawby@fnal.gov
HTCondor Groupgroup_dune
RSS bytes4194304000 (4000 MiB)
Wall seconds limit43200 (12 hours)
Submitted time2024-11-18 22:21:50
Last heartbeat2024-11-19 03:30:16
From worker nodeHostnamee4008
cpuinfoAMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor
OS releaseScientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
RSS bytes4194304000 (4000 MiB)
Wall seconds limit82800 (23 hours)
Inner Apptainer?True
Job stateoutputting_failed
Allocator namejustin-allocator-pro.dune.hep.ac.uk
Started2024-11-19 01:56:19
Input filesfardet-hd:nutau_dune10kt_1x2x6_1415_108_20230826T203326Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240219T232021Z_reco2.root
JobscriptExit code0
Real time1h (5623s)
CPU time2h (7791s = 138%)
Outputting started2024-11-19 03:30:03
Output files
Finished2024-11-19 03:30:16
List job events     Wrapper job log

Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)

Justin processors: 1
Setting up larsoft UPS area... /cvmfs/larsoft.opensciencegrid.org
Setting up DUNE UPS area... /cvmfs/dune.opensciencegrid.org/products/dune/



local product directory is /cvmfs/fifeuser3.opensciencegrid.org/sw/dune/baeee8261a966c7bf48ffdcd205bcc1e0b341bf3/localProducts_larsoft_v09_91_02_e26_prof
----------- this block should be empty ------------------
Input PFN = root://fndca1.fnal.gov:1094/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/dune/persistent/staging/fardet-hd/c5/eb/nutau_dune10kt_1x2x6_1415_108_20230826T203326Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240219T232021Z_reco2.root
lar exit code 0
=== Start last 100 lines of lar log file ===
<ERROR>                          :  that's all I can do, please fix or remove this event.
<ERROR>                          : 0-th variable of the event is NaN --> return MVA value -999, 
<ERROR>                          :  that's all I can do, please fix or remove this event.
<ERROR>                          : 0-th variable of the event is NaN --> return MVA value -999, 
<ERROR>                          :  that's all I can do, please fix or remove this event.
<ERROR>                          : 0-th variable of the event is NaN --> return MVA value -999, 
<ERROR>                          :  that's all I can do, please fix or remove this event.
<ERROR>                          : 0-th variable of the event is NaN --> return MVA value -999, 
<ERROR>                          :  that's all I can do, please fix or remove this event.
Boundary wire vector sizes: 8504, 7605, 6017
minwire 0: 671
minwire 1: 425
minwire 2: 21
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Classifier summary: 
Output 0: 0.0431696, 
Output 1: 0.00498251, 0.0825806, 0.173363, 0.739074, 
Output 2: 0.00369158, 0.010873, 0.984056, 0.00137938, 
Output 3: 0.678632, 0.272332, 0.0369747, 0.0120606, 
Output 4: 0.226207, 0.430028, 0.265205, 0.0785604, 
Output 5: 0.142323, 0.333107, 0.333263, 0.191307, 
Output 6: 0.998917, 0.00090219, 0.000113485, 6.7032e-05, 

Boundary wire vector sizes: 599, 733, 621
minwire 0: 1297
minwire 1: 1084
minwire 2: 1090
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Classifier summary: 
Output 0: 0.166079, 
Output 1: 0.0155389, 8.24815e-05, 0.0626154, 0.921763, 
Output 2: 0.111711, 0.445835, 0.151676, 0.290777, 
Output 3: 0.0409779, 0.593909, 0.363554, 0.00155894, 
Output 4: 0.0445489, 0.262041, 0.683783, 0.00962756, 
Output 5: 0.00208868, 0.997256, 0.000651117, 4.38937e-06, 
Output 6: 0.999058, 0.000856553, 6.75543e-05, 1.77615e-05, 

%MSG-e DUNEAna:  dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule  18-Nov-2024 21:29:33 CST run: 1415 subRun: 1 event: 10898
 Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e DUNEAna:  dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule  18-Nov-2024 21:29:33 CST run: 1415 subRun: 1 event: 10898
 Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
ElectronInitialRegionRefinementAlgorithm: unable to find shower pfo list ShowerParticles3D
Boundary wire vector sizes: 1376, 1179, 1467
minwire 0: 1443
minwire 1: 392
minwire 2: 1513
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Classifier summary: 
Output 0: 0.474416, 
Output 1: 0.956118, 2.22282e-05, 0.0393791, 0.00448107, 
Output 2: 0.00796632, 0.209968, 0.780659, 0.00140626, 
Output 3: 0.0238788, 0.966494, 0.00945322, 0.000173777, 
Output 4: 0.0444374, 0.579231, 0.373945, 0.00238713, 
Output 5: 0.99987, 0.000122308, 5.86283e-06, 1.50792e-06, 
Output 6: 0.999408, 0.000541125, 4.12748e-05, 9.40954e-06, 

Boundary wire vector sizes: 40, 37, 32
minwire 0: 2579
minwire 1: 821
minwire 2: 2189
Used alternate method to get min and max wires due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max wires due to vertex determination failure: 2357, 2856
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max wires due to vertex determination failure: 66, 565
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Classifier summary: 
Output 0: 0.697587, 
Output 1: 0.000100981, 8.10153e-06, 3.04574e-05, 0.99986, 
Output 2: 0.553327, 0.0866547, 0.0185664, 0.341451, 
Output 3: 0.987443, 0.0119978, 0.000399144, 0.000159923, 
Output 4: 0.999659, 0.000338109, 2.25881e-06, 5.23582e-07, 
Output 5: 0.999972, 2.54292e-05, 1.15605e-06, 9.69185e-07, 
Output 6: 0.964719, 0.0302406, 0.00454244, 0.000497891, 

18-Nov-2024 21:30:01 CST  Closed input file "root://fndca1.fnal.gov:1094/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/dune/persistent/staging/fardet-hd/c5/eb/nutau_dune10kt_1x2x6_1415_108_20230826T203326Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240219T232021Z_reco2.root"
18-Nov-2024 21:30:01 CST  Closed input file "root://fndca1.fnal.gov:1094/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/dune/persistent/staging/fardet-hd/c5/eb/nutau_dune10kt_1x2x6_1415_108_20230826T203326Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240219T232021Z_reco2.root"

TrigReport ---------- Event summary -------------
TrigReport Events total = 100 passed = 100 failed = 0

TrigReport ---------- Modules in End-path ----------
TrigReport        Run    Success      Error Name
TrigReport        100        100          0 ccnuselection

TimeReport ---------- Time summary [sec] -------
TimeReport CPU = 7754.258784 Real = 5582.590707

MemReport  ---------- Memory summary [base-10 MB] ------
MemReport  VmPeak = 5066.77 VmHWM = 2502.64

Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
=== End last 100 lines of lar log file ===
justIN time: 2024-11-24 04:20:17 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.09