Jobsub ID
Jobsub ID | |
Workflow ID | 4118 |
Stage ID | 1 |
User name | |
HTCondor Group | group_dune |
Requested | Processors | 1 |
RSS bytes | 4194304000 (4000 MiB) |
Wall seconds limit | 43200 (12 hours) |
Submitted time | 2024-11-16 11:28:17 |
Site | UK_Durham |
Entry | DUNE_UK_SGridDurham_ce4 |
Last heartbeat | 2024-11-16 12:47:25 |
From worker node | Hostname | |
cpuinfo | AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor |
OS release | Scientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen) |
Processors | 1 |
RSS bytes | 4194304000 (4000 MiB) |
Wall seconds limit | 171000 (47 hours) |
Inner Apptainer? | True |
Job state | outputting_failed |
Allocator name | |
Started | 2024-11-16 11:31:15 |
Input files | fardet-hd:nutau_dune10kt_1x2x6_1117_10_20230827T203347Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240220T153607Z_reco2.root
Jobscript | Exit code | 0 |
Real time | 1h (4549s) |
CPU time | 1h (4429s = 97%) |
Outputting started | 2024-11-16 12:47:05 |
Output files | |
Finished | 2024-11-16 12:47:25 |
List job events Wrapper job log |
Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)
Justin processors: 1
Setting up larsoft UPS area... /cvmfs/
Setting up DUNE UPS area... /cvmfs/
local product directory is /cvmfs/
----------- this block should be empty ------------------
Input PFN = root://
lar exit code 0
=== Start last 100 lines of lar log file ===
Output 3: 0.572608, 0.417063, 0.0102071, 0.00012272,
Output 4: 0.0417837, 0.137157, 0.487277, 0.333782,
Output 5: 0.10243, 0.746683, 0.147018, 0.00386895,
Output 6: 0.999446, 0.000490665, 4.38763e-05, 1.94704e-05,
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShowerRedo@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:42:34 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShowerRedo@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:42:34 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
Boundary wire vector sizes: 2130, 2592, 2183
minwire 0: 1638
minwire 1: 141
minwire 2: 1675
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Classifier summary:
Output 0: 0.116367,
Output 1: 0.0353887, 0.310913, 0.158406, 0.495292,
Output 2: 0.00703484, 0.0125977, 0.98, 0.000367894,
Output 3: 0.655444, 0.327814, 0.0139996, 0.0027425,
Output 4: 0.0466584, 0.162685, 0.397496, 0.39316,
Output 5: 0.0925628, 0.399497, 0.420424, 0.0875154,
Output 6: 0.998929, 0.000884428, 0.000112253, 7.39343e-05,
%MSG-e DUNEAna: dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:43:44 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e DUNEAna: dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:43:44 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e DUNEAna: dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:43:47 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e DUNEAna: dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:43:47 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e DUNEAna: dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:43:53 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e DUNEAna: dunereco/FDSelections/CCNuSelection:ccnuselection@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:43:53 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1097
Failed to find product with label caldata ... returning empty vector
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShowerRedo@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:44:11 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1098
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShowerRedo@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:44:11 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1098
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShowerRedo@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:44:12 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1098
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
%MSG-e ShowerProducedPtrsHolder: LArPandoraModularShowerCreation:pandoraShowerRedo@BeginModule 16-Nov-2024 12:44:12 GMT run: 1117 subRun: 1 event: 1098
Trying to add data product: InitialTrack. This element does not exist in the element holder
Boundary wire vector sizes: 3719, 3305, 3612
minwire 0: 875
minwire 1: 1022
minwire 2: 943
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 499
Classifier summary:
Output 0: 0.0730616,
Output 1: 0.972984, 9.49598e-06, 0.0253918, 0.00161431,
Output 2: 0.00352445, 0.00576446, 0.990332, 0.000379018,
Output 3: 0.00997705, 0.668577, 0.316486, 0.00495987,
Output 4: 0.00314492, 0.0419704, 0.717809, 0.237076,
Output 5: 0.99888, 0.00106566, 4.92808e-05, 4.98667e-06,
Output 6: 0.999037, 0.000935894, 2.13269e-05, 6.16138e-06,
PandoraContentApi::GetList(*this, m_inputHitListName, pCaloHitList) return STATUS_CODE_NOT_INITIALIZED
in function: GetVolumeIdToHitListMap
in file: /exp/dune/app/users/imawby/dunesw_v09_91_02d00/srcs/larpandoracontent/larpandoracontent/LArControlFlow/ line#: 271
this->GetVolumeIdToHitListMap(volumeIdToHitListMap) return STATUS_CODE_NOT_INITIALIZED
in function: Run
in file: /exp/dune/app/users/imawby/dunesw_v09_91_02d00/srcs/larpandoracontent/larpandoracontent/LArControlFlow/ line#: 165
iter->second->Run() throw STATUS_CODE_NOT_INITIALIZED
in function: RunAlgorithm
in file: /scratch/workspace/build-larbase/BUILDTYPE/prof/QUAL/s131-e26/label1/swarm/label2/SLF7/build/pandora/v03_16_00l/src/pandora-v03-16-00/PandoraSDK-v03-04-01/src/Api/ line#: 235
Failure in algorithm Alg0002, LArDLMaster, STATUS_CODE_NOT_INITIALIZED
16-Nov-2024 12:47:04 GMT Closed input file "root://"
16-Nov-2024 12:47:04 GMT Closed input file "root://"
TrigReport ---------- Event summary -------------
TrigReport Events total = 100 passed = 100 failed = 0
TrigReport ---------- Modules in End-path ----------
TrigReport Run Success Error Name
TrigReport 100 100 0 ccnuselection
TimeReport ---------- Time summary [sec] -------
TimeReport CPU = 4391.458268 Real = 4491.333275
MemReport ---------- Memory summary [base-10 MB] ------
MemReport VmPeak = 3917.57 VmHWM = 2415.17
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
=== End last 100 lines of lar log file ===