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Jobsub ID 263763.111@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk

Jobsub ID263763.111@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk
Workflow ID3448
Stage ID1
User namecalcuttj@fnal.gov
HTCondor Groupgroup_dune.prod_mcsim
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit18000 (5 hours)
Submitted time2024-09-26 13:24:49
Last heartbeat2024-09-26 14:48:44
From worker nodeHostnamewn029.hep
cpuinfoIntel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz
OS releaseScientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit257400 (71 hours)
Inner Apptainer?True
Job statejobscript_error
Allocator namejustin-allocator-pro.dune.hep.ac.uk
Started2024-09-26 13:26:28
Input fileshd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run029097_0014_dataflow4_datawriter_0_20240906T103340.hdf5
JobscriptExit code1
Real time0m (0s)
CPU time0m (0s = 0%)
Outputting started 
Output files
Finished2024-09-26 14:48:44
Saved logsjustin-logs:263763.111-justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk.logs.tgz
List job events     Wrapper job log

Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)

wire objects
7143 potential space points
Neighbour search...
556023 tests to find 318204 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 9.51435e+06
0 8.67799e+06
1 8.62836e+06
2 8.61936e+06
3 8.61648e+06
Now with regularization...
Begin: 8.22157e+06
0 8.21976e+06

Begin processing the 29th record. run: 29097 subRun: 1 event: 3588 at 26-Sep-2024 15:43:55 BST
RawFrameSource: got 10240 raw::RawDigit objects
	input nticks=5859 keeping as is
Retagger: tagging trace set: wiener with 71808 traces, 71808 summary
Retagger: tagging trace set: gauss with 52953 traces, 0 summary
wclsFrameSaver saving cooked to 5859 ticks
wclsFrameSaver: saving 52953 traces tagged "gauss"
FrameSaver: q=1.16378e+06 n=981475 tag=gauss
wclsFrameSaver: saving 71808 traces tagged "wiener"
FrameSaver: q=1.26747e+06 n=894362 tag=wiener
4218 hits in TPC 0
3579 hits in TPC 1
4613 hits in TPC 2
2500 hits in TPC 3
2960 hits in TPC 4
7414 hits in TPC 5
7377 hits in TPC 6
5700 hits in TPC 7
0 X, 0 U, 0 V bad channels
Finding XUV coincidences...
C:0 T:0 40 XUs and 14 XVs -> 0 XUVs
C:0 T:1 330 XUs and 280 XVs -> 11 XUVs
C:0 T:2 14092 XUs and 13425 XVs -> 314 XUVs
C:0 T:3 834 XUs and 834 XVs -> 42 XUVs
C:0 T:4 225 XUs and 375 XVs -> 4 XUVs
C:0 T:5 53310 XUs and 44860 XVs -> 1092 XUVs
C:0 T:6 30364 XUs and 35760 XVs -> 2681 XUVs
C:0 T:7 109 XUs and 156 XVs -> 7 XUVs
4151 XUVs total
1628 collection wire objects
4151 potential space points
Neighbour search...
145927 tests to find 82742 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 7.21896e+06
0 6.23212e+06
1 6.13777e+06
2 6.12642e+06
3 6.12275e+06
Now with regularization...
Begin: 5.58233e+06
0 5.57996e+06
BdtBeamParticleIdTool::SliceFeatures::GetLArTPCIntercepts - inconsistent number of intercepts between a line and the LArTPC
BdtBeamParticleIdTool::SliceFeatures::GetLeadingCaloHits - empty calo hit list

Begin processing the 30th record. run: 29097 subRun: 1 event: 3596 at 26-Sep-2024 15:45:41 BST
RawFrameSource: got 10240 raw::RawDigit objects
	input nticks=5859 keeping as is
Retagger: tagging trace set: wiener with 96910 traces, 96910 summary
Retagger: tagging trace set: gauss with 73891 traces, 0 summary
wclsFrameSaver saving cooked to 5859 ticks
wclsFrameSaver: saving 73891 traces tagged "gauss"
FrameSaver: q=1.64225e+06 n=1394445 tag=gauss
wclsFrameSaver: saving 96910 traces tagged "wiener"
FrameSaver: q=1.76523e+06 n=1277092 tag=wiener
2988 hits in TPC 0
3487 hits in TPC 1
12790 hits in TPC 2
5410 hits in TPC 3
6277 hits in TPC 4
9357 hits in TPC 5
9014 hits in TPC 6
3195 hits in TPC 7
0 X, 0 U, 0 V bad channels
Finding XUV coincidences...
C:0 T:1 205 XUs and 178 XVs -> 0 XUVs
C:0 T:2 82574 XUs and 103774 XVs -> 3333 XUVs
C:0 T:3 439 XUs and 454 XVs -> 7 XUVs
C:0 T:4 378 XUs and 638 XVs -> 35 XUVs
C:0 T:5 47147 XUs and 50423 XVs -> 2382 XUVs
C:0 T:6 62512 XUs and 66485 XVs -> 1482 XUVs
C:0 T:7 192 XUs and 312 XVs -> 3 XUVs
7242 XUVs total
3087 collection wire objects
7242 potential space points
Neighbour search...
275370 tests to find 155388 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 1.74753e+07
0 1.60928e+07
1 1.59732e+07
2 1.59573e+07
Now with regularization...
Begin: 1.52021e+07
0 1.51971e+07

no of hits closeby  0   event 3596 TrkackID 4 startx, y, z 176.969 600.937 349.91  wireno, peakt tpcno 198 5 5 dist 0min T, max_T5 2779.5
no of hits closeby  0   event 3596 TrkackID 9 startx, y, z 148.887 594.268 169.738  wireno, peakt tpcno 361 2490.5 2 dist 165.54min T, max_T573.891 2512.57
no of hits closeby  0   event 3596 TrkackID 4 startx, y, z 176.969 600.937 349.91  wireno, peakt tpcno 198 5 5 dist 0min T, max_T5 2779.5
no of hits closeby  0   event 3596 TrkackID 9 startx, y, z 148.887 594.268 169.738  wireno, peakt tpcno 361 2490.5 2 dist 165.54min T, max_T573.891 2512.57
26-Sep-2024 15:48:21 BST  Closed output file "np04hd_raw_run029097_0014_dataflow4_datawriter_0_20240906T103340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T144821_keepup.root"
26-Sep-2024 15:48:21 BST  Closed input file "np04hd_raw_run029097_0014_dataflow4_datawriter_0_20240906T103340_reco_stage1.root"

TimeTracker printout (sec)                                Min           Avg           Max         Median          RMS         nEvts   
Full event                                              71.5394       103.364       159.967       105.169       17.5822        30     
source:RootInput(read)                                0.000341686   0.00130972    0.00403705    0.00108184    0.00100998       30     
produce:fembfilter:PDHDFEMBFilter                      0.703885      0.720953      0.866732      0.715955      0.0279429       30     
produce:wclsdatahd:WireCellToolkit                      44.6443       46.6203       55.1637       46.1093       2.06742        30     
produce:gaushit:GausHitFinder                          0.445814      0.820509       1.20021      0.858108      0.177325        30     
produce:nhitsfilter:NumberOfHitsFilter                0.000262948   0.000399584   0.00051594    0.000409403   6.32921e-05      30     
produce:reco3d:SpacePointSolver                        0.249459       1.27671       4.83969       1.01068      0.988555        30     
produce:hitpdune:DisambigFromSpacePoints               0.183452      0.654867       1.44241      0.643399      0.269659        30     
produce:pandora:StandardPandora                         5.31761        14.41        27.7904       14.4523       5.35645        30     
produce:pandoraWriter:StandardPandora                  0.093593      0.169369      0.302412       0.17633      0.0407916       30     
produce:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation           0.454976       1.86969       5.08195       1.81204      0.953528        30     
produce:pandoraShower:LArPandoraShowerCreation         0.553354       2.13841       6.07407       2.02086        1.175         30     
produce:pandoracalo:Calorimetry                        0.276295      0.802996       2.0149       0.743609      0.353346        30     
produce:pandoracalonosce:Calorimetry                   0.229889      0.735377       1.94379      0.689407      0.343124        30     
produce:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID                     0.00115536    0.00188134    0.00310085    0.00185505    0.000433134      30     
produce:pandoraShowercalo:ShowerCalorimetry            0.464392       1.83083       6.27092       1.83709       1.08558        30     
produce:pandoraShowercalonosce:ShowerCalorimetry       0.459954       1.79522       6.04669       1.80395       1.04832        30     
produce:pandoraGnocchiCalo:GnocchiCalorimetry          0.0770145     0.135076      0.218478      0.134529      0.0301543       30     
produce:pandoraGnocchiCalonosce:GnocchiCalorimetry     0.0335246     0.0536176     0.0938451     0.0536528     0.0127475       30     
produce:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId                   15.2994       27.5429       48.2557       28.2844       6.25251        30     
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter            2.8206e-05    3.97787e-05   7.4817e-05    3.7744e-05    8.97295e-06      30     
end_path:out1:RootOutput                               6.676e-06    1.48902e-05   0.00018633     8.503e-06    3.19455e-05      30     
end_path:michelremoving:michelremoving                 0.0222316     0.081383      0.457142      0.0393947     0.0995213       30     
end_path:michelremovinggnocchi:michelremoving          0.0186713     0.0685226     0.454229      0.0360004     0.0855816       30     
end_path:calibanagnocchi:CalibAnaTree                  0.168872      0.581733       1.54817      0.566529      0.270286        30     
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write)                        0.499724      0.862841       1.46109      0.852885      0.213452        30     

MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)

  Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak)  : 5803.43 MB
  Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2635.78 MB
  Details saved in: 'mem.db'
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
Output files:
\tReco: np04hd_raw_run029097_0014_dataflow4_datawriter_0_20240906T103340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T144821_keepup.root
\tHists: np04hd_raw_run029097_0014_dataflow4_datawriter_0_20240906T103340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T144821_keepup_hists.root
Forming reco metadata
/cvmfs/larsoft.opensciencegrid.org/products/python/v3_9_15/Linux64bit+3.10-2.17/bin/python: No module named meta_maker
Error in reco metadata
justIN time: 2024-09-29 09:39:18 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.08