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Jobsub ID 262740.171@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk

Jobsub ID262740.171@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk
Workflow ID3448
Stage ID1
User namecalcuttj@fnal.gov
HTCondor Groupgroup_dune.prod_mcsim
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit18000 (5 hours)
Submitted time2024-09-26 03:10:07
Last heartbeat2024-09-26 05:23:37
From worker nodeHostnametd817.pic.es
cpuinfoAMD EPYC 7452 32-Core Processor
OS releaseScientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit216000 (60 hours)
Inner Apptainer?True
Job statefinished
Allocator namejustin-allocator-pro.dune.hep.ac.uk
Started2024-09-26 04:35:06
Input fileshd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340.hdf5
JobscriptExit code0
Real time17m (1046s)
CPU time15m (917s = 87%)
Outputting started2024-09-26 04:52:32
Output fileshd-protodune-det-reco:np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup.root
Finished2024-09-26 05:23:37
Saved logsjustin-logs:262740.171-justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk.logs.tgz
List job events     Wrapper job log

Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)

races tagged "gauss"
FrameSaver: q=890890 n=779383 tag=gauss
wclsFrameSaver: saving 52322 traces tagged "wiener"
FrameSaver: q=943690 n=716306 tag=wiener
2784 hits in TPC 0
2043 hits in TPC 1
7293 hits in TPC 2
5222 hits in TPC 3
1934 hits in TPC 4
2590 hits in TPC 5
3212 hits in TPC 6
1544 hits in TPC 7
0 X, 0 U, 0 V bad channels
Finding XUV coincidences...
C:0 T:2 31107 XUs and 28048 XVs -> 3849 XUVs
C:0 T:3 120 XUs and 198 XVs -> 3 XUVs
C:0 T:4 43 XUs and 88 XVs -> 14 XUVs
C:0 T:5 5392 XUs and 8156 XVs -> 293 XUVs
C:0 T:6 5388 XUs and 5269 XVs -> 184 XUVs
C:0 T:7 217 XUs and 258 XVs -> 5 XUVs
4348 XUVs total
1044 collection wire objects
4348 potential space points
Neighbour search...
433028 tests to find 265612 neighbours
Iterating with no regularization...
Begin: 6.61622e+06
0 6.25184e+06
1 6.22364e+06
2 6.21823e+06
Now with regularization...
Begin: 5.73509e+06
0 5.73155e+06

no of hits closeby  7   event 39391 TrkackID 1 startx, y, z 162.774 602.386 212.308  wireno, peakt tpcno 162 2254 5 dist 0min T, max_T2054.5 4119.84
no of hits closeby  0   event 39391 TrkackID 9 startx, y, z 76.678 369.63 7.62793  wireno, peakt tpcno 121 1719.02 2 dist 207.608min T, max_T7.50447 1753.5
no of hits closeby  7   event 39391 TrkackID 1 startx, y, z 162.774 602.386 212.308  wireno, peakt tpcno 162 2254 5 dist 0min T, max_T2054.5 4119.84
no of hits closeby  0   event 39391 TrkackID 9 startx, y, z 76.678 369.63 7.62793  wireno, peakt tpcno 121 1719.02 2 dist 207.608min T, max_T7.50447 1753.5
26-Sep-2024 06:52:21 CEST  Closed output file "np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup.root"
26-Sep-2024 06:52:21 CEST  Closed input file "np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1.root"

TimeTracker printout (sec)                                Min           Avg           Max         Median          RMS         nEvts   
Full event                                              112.283       127.417       137.48        136.167       11.6281         5     
source:RootInput(read)                                0.00132312    0.00229183     0.0035664     0.0015699    0.00103964        5     
produce:fembfilter:PDHDFEMBFilter                      0.700642      0.824646      0.950835      0.811481      0.0936784        5     
produce:wclsdatahd:WireCellToolkit                      48.6243       53.5751       62.8315       52.0329       4.88139         5     
produce:gaushit:GausHitFinder                          0.825713       1.02663       1.36761      0.992378      0.189504         5     
produce:nhitsfilter:NumberOfHitsFilter                0.000383915   0.000538591   0.000761919   0.000498197   0.000132897       5     
produce:reco3d:SpacePointSolver                        0.583603       1.05745       2.59619      0.760427       0.77336         5     
produce:hitpdune:DisambigFromSpacePoints               0.350834      0.835913       1.59618      0.739236      0.412549         5     
produce:pandora:StandardPandora                         12.0014       17.9128        23.55        19.7312       4.92132         5     
produce:pandoraWriter:StandardPandora                  0.230362      0.263455      0.325924      0.250418      0.0340211        5     
produce:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation             1.29         1.74019       2.48871       1.60507      0.401838         5     
produce:pandoraShower:LArPandoraShowerCreation           1.77         2.45938       3.79581       1.80597      0.844027         5     
produce:pandoracalo:Calorimetry                        0.703755       0.98692       1.39286      0.914981      0.265845         5     
produce:pandoracalonosce:Calorimetry                   0.525487      0.788419       1.1075       0.780513      0.186912         5     
produce:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID                     0.00182742    0.00285112    0.00463576    0.00280234    0.00098788        5     
produce:pandoraShowercalo:ShowerCalorimetry             1.64743       2.39097       3.5819        1.79924      0.805343         5     
produce:pandoraShowercalonosce:ShowerCalorimetry        1.31905       2.15933       3.29128       1.65678      0.809265         5     
produce:pandoraGnocchiCalo:GnocchiCalorimetry          0.226459      0.280478      0.340562      0.261423      0.0446204        5     
produce:pandoraGnocchiCalonosce:GnocchiCalorimetry     0.0484486     0.0768655     0.107793      0.0761997     0.0244982        5     
produce:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId                   33.1892       38.8901       43.1932       40.6797       3.59754         5     
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter             2.858e-05    0.000120777   0.000290924   6.8031e-05    9.59002e-05       5     
end_path:out1:RootOutput                               9.24e-06     2.39342e-05    4.496e-05     1.771e-05    1.37378e-05       5     
end_path:michelremoving:michelremoving                 0.031792      0.0846226     0.240922      0.0514461     0.0785068        5     
end_path:michelremovinggnocchi:michelremoving          0.0284489     0.0821535      0.25014      0.0481379     0.0845161        5     
end_path:calibanagnocchi:CalibAnaTree                  0.506427       0.63133      0.827833      0.565407      0.116928         5     
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write)                        0.983205       1.19064       1.56708       1.12235      0.207126         5     

MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)

  Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak)  : 4894.77 MB
  Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2528.39 MB
  Details saved in: 'mem.db'
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
Output files:
\tReco: np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup.root
\tHists: np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup_hists.root
Forming reco metadata
Successfully opened file np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup.root
Ran successfully
  "name": "np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup.root",
  "namespace": "hd-protodune-det-reco",
  "metadata": {
    "core.file_format": "artroot",
    "core.application.name": "reco",
    "core.application.family": "dunesw",
    "core.application.version": "v09_91_02d01",
    "core.data_tier": "full-reconstructed",
    "dune.config_file": "standard_reco_stage2_calibration_protodunehd_keepup.fcl",
    "dune.campaign": "hd-protodune-reco-keepup-v0",
    "core.start_time": 1727325648.0,
    "core.end_time": 1727326342.0,
    "core.events": [
    "core.event_count": 5,
    "core.first_event_number": 39359,
    "core.last_event_number": 39391,
    "core.data_stream": "cosmics",
    "core.file_content_status": "good",
    "core.file_type": "detector",
    "core.run_type": "hd-protodune",
    "core.runs": [
    "core.runs_subruns": [
    "dune.daq_test": false,
    "retention.status": "active",
    "retention.class": "physics",
    "origin.applications.config_files": {
      "reco1": "standard_reco_stage1_protodunehd_keepup.fcl"
    "origin.applications.versions": {
      "reco1": "v09_91_02d01"
    "origin.applications.names": [
  "parents": [
      "did": "hd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340.hdf5"
}Forming hist metadata
  "name": "np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340_reco_stage1_reco_stage2_20240926T045221_keepup_hists.root",
  "namespace": "hd-protodune-det-reco",
  "metadata": {
    "core.file_format": "root",
    "core.application.name": "reco",
    "core.application.family": "dunesw",
    "core.application.version": "v09_91_02d01",
    "core.data_tier": "root-tuple-virtual",
    "dune.config_file": "standard_reco_stage2_calibration_protodunehd_keepup.fcl",
    "dune.campaign": "hd-protodune-reco-keepup-v0",
    "core.start_time": 1727325648.0,
    "core.end_time": 1727326342.0,
    "core.data_stream": "cosmics",
    "core.file_content_status": "good",
    "core.file_type": "detector",
    "core.run_type": "hd-protodune",
    "core.runs": [
    "core.runs_subruns": [
    "dune.daq_test": false,
    "retention.status": "active",
    "retention.class": "physics",
    "origin.applications.config_files": {
      "reco1": "standard_reco_stage1_protodunehd_keepup.fcl"
    "origin.applications.versions": {
      "reco1": "v09_91_02d01"
    "origin.applications.names": [
  "parents": [
      "did": "hd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run029094_0164_dataflow7_datawriter_0_20240906T095340.hdf5"
justIN time: 2024-09-29 09:34:59 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.08