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Jobsub ID 244854.0@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk

Jobsub ID244854.0@justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk
Workflow ID2867
Stage ID1
User namecalcuttj@fnal.gov
HTCondor Groupgroup_dune.prod_mcsim
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit18000 (5 hours)
Submitted time2024-08-19 09:17:12
Last heartbeat2024-08-19 09:39:39
From worker nodeHostnamewn-pep-015.farm.nikhef.nl
cpuinfoIntel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz
OS releaseScientific Linux release 7.9 (Nitrogen)
RSS bytes4193255424 (3999 MiB)
Wall seconds limit129600 (36 hours)
Inner Apptainer?True
Job statejobscript_error
Allocator namejustin-allocator-pro.dune.hep.ac.uk
Started2024-08-19 09:18:12
Input fileshd-protodune:np04hd_raw_run028762_1500_dataflow6_datawriter_0_20240819T031801.hdf5
JobscriptExit code1
Real time0m (0s)
CPU time0m (0s = 0%)
Outputting started 
Output files
Finished2024-08-19 09:39:39
Saved logsjustin-logs:244854.0-justin-prod-sched01.dune.hep.ac.uk.logs.tgz
List job events     Wrapper job log

Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)

annel for 13 0 24
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 25
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 26
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 27
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 30
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 31
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 32
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 33
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 34
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 35
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 36
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 37
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 40
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 41
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 42
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 43
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 44
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 45
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 46
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 47
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 1
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 3
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 4
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 6
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 10
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 11
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 12
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 13
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 14
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 15
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 16
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 17
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 20
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 21
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 22
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 23
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 24
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 25
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 26
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 27
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 30
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 31
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 32
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 33
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 34
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 35
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 36
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 37
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 40
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 41
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 42
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 43
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 44
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 45
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 46
WARNING: Could not find offline channel for 13 0 47
RawFrameSource: got 10240 raw::RawDigit objects
	input nticks=5859 keeping as is
Retagger: tagging trace set: raw with 10240 traces, 0 summary
wclsFrameSaver: saving raw::RawDigits tagged "raw"
wclsFrameSaver: found empty channel masks for "bad"
19-Aug-2024 11:38:22 CEST  Closed output file "np04hd_raw_run028762_1500_dataflow6_datawriter_0_20240819T031801_reco_stage1.root"

TimeTracker printout (sec)                           Min           Avg           Max         Median          RMS         nEvts   
Full event                                         37.5451       38.2533       39.2021       38.2194      0.434176        30     
source:HDF5RawInput3(read)                       1.9751e-05    3.29548e-05   0.000130648   2.6439e-05    2.08267e-05      30     
produce:tpcrawdecoder:PDHDTPCReader                8.32869       8.68446       9.05954       8.67242      0.201219        30     
produce:triggerrawdecoder:PDHDTriggerReader3      0.460664      0.477377      0.500095      0.478424     0.00959995       30     
produce:timingrawdecoder:PDHDTimingRawDecoder     0.0170263     0.0172302     0.0198139     0.0171286    0.000485557      30     
produce:pdhddaphne:DAPHNEReaderPDHD                10.6845       11.3015       11.8803       11.3253       0.32767        30     
produce:fembfilter:PDHDFEMBFilter                0.000109146   0.000201119   0.000634109   0.000123382   0.000128007      30     
produce:wclsdatahdfilter:WireCellToolkit           12.8081       13.1487       13.6235       13.0998      0.195493        30     
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter       1.6703e-05    2.51449e-05   7.5808e-05    2.3957e-05    1.0269e-05       30     
end_path:out1:RootOutput                          2.528e-06    4.99043e-06   2.0289e-05    4.5115e-06    3.21346e-06      30     
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write)                    4.53664       4.62277       4.88331       4.60714      0.079977        30     

MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)

  Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak)  : 3263.82 MB
  Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 1812.18 MB
  Details saved in: 'mem.db'
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
The following module labels are either not assigned to any path,
or they have been assigned to ignored path(s):
Info in <TGeoManager::Import>: Reading geometry from file: /cvmfs/dune.opensciencegrid.org/products/dune/dunecore/v09_91_02d01/gdml/protodunehd_v6_refactored.gdml
Info in <TGeoManager::TGeoManager>: Geometry GDMLImport, Geometry imported from GDML created
Info in <TGeoManager::SetTopVolume>: Top volume is volWorld. Master volume is volWorld
Info in <TGeoNavigator::BuildCache>: --- Maximum geometry depth set to 100
Info in <TGeoManager::CheckGeometry>: Fixing runtime shapes...
Info in <TGeoManager::CheckGeometry>: ...Nothing to fix
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Counting nodes...
Info in <TGeoManager::Voxelize>: Voxelizing...
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Building cache...
Info in <TGeoManager::CountLevels>: max level = 5, max placements = 1148
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: 25608 nodes/ 5535 volume UID's in Geometry imported from GDML
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: ----------------modeler ready----------------
DAPHNE Channel Map: Building DAPHNE channel map from file DAPHNE_test5_ChannelMap_v1.txt
PD2HD Channel Map: Building TPC wiremap from file PD2HDChannelMap_WIBEth_electronics_v1.txt
tf_graph loaded ProtoBuf graph with status: OK
Inputer: "wclsRawFrameSource"
Outputer: "wclsFrameSaver:spsaver"
wclsFrameSaver: promising to produce recob::Wires named "gauss"
wclsFrameSaver: promising to produce recob::Wires named "wiener"
wclsFrameSaver: promising to produce channel summary named "threshold"
19-Aug-2024 11:38:52 CEST  Initiating request to open input file "np04hd_raw_run028762_1500_dataflow6_datawriter_0_20240819T031801_reco_stage1.root"
19-Aug-2024 11:38:52 CEST  Opened input file "np04hd_raw_run028762_1500_dataflow6_datawriter_0_20240819T031801_reco_stage1.root"
AdaBoostDecisionTree::Initialize - Invalid xml file.
BdtBeamParticleIdTool::ReadSettings - unable to load bdt
pLocalAlgorithmTool->ReadSettings(TiXmlHandle(pXmlElement)) throw STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER
    in function: CreateAlgorithmTool
    in file:     /scratch/workspace/build-larbase/BUILDTYPE/prof/QUAL/s131-e26/label1/swarm/label2/SLF7/build/pandora/v03_16_00l/src/pandora-v03-16-00/PandoraSDK-v03-04-01/src/Managers/AlgorithmManager.cc line#: 177
Failure in reading pandora settings, STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER
PandoraApi::ReadSettings(*m_pPrimaryPandora, fullConfigFileName) throw STATUS_CODE_FAILURE
    in function: ConfigurePandoraInstances
    in file:     /scratch/workspace/build-larsoft/BUILDTYPE/prof/QUAL/s131-e26/label1/swarm/label2/AlmaLinux-9.4/build/larpandora/v09_22_09-buildFW/src/larpandora/LArPandoraInterface/StandardPandora_module.cc line#: 120
19-Aug-2024 11:39:20 CEST  Closed input file "np04hd_raw_run028762_1500_dataflow6_datawriter_0_20240819T031801_reco_stage1.root"

TimeTracker printout (sec)            Min           Avg           Max         Median          RMS         nEvts   
[ No processed events ]

MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)

  Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak)  : 3397.3 MB
  Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 1080.46 MB
  Details saved in: 'mem.db'
MultiPandoraApiImpl::DeletePandoraInstances - unable to find daughter instances associated with primary 0
%MSG-s ArtException:  PostEndJob 19-Aug-2024 11:39:21 CEST ModuleEndJob
---- Unknown BEGIN
  An unknown exception was thrown while processing module StandardPandora/pandora during beginJob
---- Unknown END
Art has completed and will exit with status 1.
Error in reco2
justIN time: 2024-09-29 11:25:50 UTC       justIN version: 01.01.08