Jobsub ID
Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)
AlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
Track empty.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
TuneFullTree failed.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
0 enabled hits in AverageDist2 calculation.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
Track empty.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
TuneFullTree failed.
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 08:23:45 CET run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
23-Nov-2024 08:23:46 CET Closed input file "root://"
TimeTracker printout (sec) Min Avg Max Median RMS nEvts
Full event 0.00220546 17.0933 73.2395 8.21545 21.3774 12
source:RootInput(read) 0.00120702 0.00203009 0.00618188 0.00168558 0.00127595 12
reco:linecluster:LineCluster 0.0114759 0.0496057 0.187134 0.0229968 0.0551259 12
reco:trajcluster:TrajCluster 0.00169238 0.401175 2.26454 0.0214398 0.715741 12
reco:pandora:StandardPandora 1.37459 2.07103 5.02296 1.54715 1.10639 12
reco:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation 0.0001635 0.00647408 0.0249156 0.00225253 0.00871206 12
reco:pandoraShower:LArPandoraModularShowerCreation 0.000232543 0.0097647 0.0361955 0.00413665 0.0120869 12
reco:pandoracalo:Calorimetry 0.000118272 0.0111476 0.0594151 0.00179329 0.0187587 12
reco:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID 4.8521e-05 0.000291007 0.00187368 0.000129401 0.000483296 12
reco:trkshowersplit:TrackShowerHits 0.000153444 0.0162225 0.091431 0.00123067 0.0287494 12
reco:pmtrack:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.00144652 1.32998 5.89149 0.214018 1.92587 12
reco:pmtrackcalo:Calorimetry 0.000106776 0.00635658 0.0274553 0.00130651 0.00909728 12
reco:pmtrackpid:Chi2ParticleID 4.2479e-05 0.000300782 0.000819492 0.000185505 0.000273091 12
reco:pmtrajfit:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000276623 1.77199 11.0267 0.401064 3.11828 12
reco:pmtrajfitcalo:Calorimetry 9.4993e-05 0.0119287 0.0571383 0.00202796 0.0191195 12
reco:pmtrajfitpid:Chi2ParticleID 4.2516e-05 0.000232282 0.0008049 0.000178079 0.000199988 12
reco:pmtracktc:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.00132601 1.60087 7.44431 0.261448 2.37206 12
reco:pmtracktccalo:Calorimetry 9.7442e-05 0.00615758 0.0271884 0.00146175 0.00927014 12
reco:pmtracktcpid:Chi2ParticleID 4.1829e-05 0.000290355 0.000821005 0.000185361 0.000275162 12
reco:pmtrajfittc:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000251129 1.38846 5.82251 0.327854 1.98973 12
reco:pmtrajfittccalo:Calorimetry 9.5895e-05 0.0123449 0.0612311 0.00172706 0.0202832 12
reco:pmtrajfittcpid:Chi2ParticleID 4.0436e-05 0.000404414 0.0012862 0.000193283 0.000429237 12
reco:blurredcluster:BlurredClustering 0.0160397 0.696511 2.23937 0.356454 0.766901 11
reco:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId 0.309181 8.44046 33.7889 3.52346 10.9876 11
reco:emshower:EMShower 0.000291567 0.0233417 0.0711855 0.0139435 0.0239867 11
reco:cvnmap:CVNMapper 3.5416e-05 0.0100139 0.0243476 0.0111204 0.00843266 11
reco:cvneva:CVNEvaluator 2.3042e-05 0.746149 1.20906 1.16187 0.56416 11
reco:energyrecnumu:EnergyReco 0.000497877 0.0287016 0.154755 0.00274007 0.0525263 11
reco:energyrecnue:EnergyReco 0.000204282 0.00173273 0.00739307 0.000790288 0.00221504 11
reco:energyrecnc:EnergyReco 0.00262882 0.00394085 0.00973457 0.00291087 0.00222537 11
reco:energyrecnumurange:EnergyReco 0.000238487 0.0271554 0.154092 0.00267414 0.050486 11
reco:energyrecnumumcs:EnergyReco 0.00259361 0.0288462 0.153068 0.00346151 0.0496035 11
reco:opdec:Deconvolution 0.054055 0.189927 0.287424 0.225503 0.0714717 11
reco:ophitspe:OpHitFinderDeco 0.323453 1.38477 2.1284 1.63389 0.534505 11
reco:opflash:OpFlashFinder 0.000365637 0.00160715 0.00480173 0.00145287 0.00111213 11
reco:rns:RandomNumberSaver 2.0706e-05 5.07829e-05 0.000295782 2.5231e-05 7.77028e-05 11
reco:anglereconue:NuAngularReco 0.000178598 0.00120742 0.0061631 0.000354104 0.00185303 11
reco:anglereconumu:NuAngularReco 0.000104735 0.00102769 0.00467485 0.00027221 0.00150379 11
reco:anglereconuepfps:NuAngularReco 0.000153754 0.0013236 0.00740013 0.000368501 0.00215698 11
reco:anglereconumupfps:NuAngularReco 0.00014755 0.00111114 0.00527265 0.000350696 0.00163925 11
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter 1.2176e-05 1.81065e-05 7.0804e-05 1.2925e-05 1.66709e-05 11
end_path:out1:RootOutput 3.209e-06 6.37573e-06 2.4771e-05 3.511e-06 6.05812e-06 11
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write) 0.0297398 0.232981 0.459075 0.276337 0.145818 11
MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)
Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak) : 6419.07 MB
Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 1627.61 MB
%MSG-s ArtException: PostEndJob 23-Nov-2024 08:23:46 CET ModuleEndJob
---- EventProcessorFailure BEGIN
EventProcessor: an exception occurred during current event processing
---- ScheduleExecutionFailure BEGIN
Path: ProcessingStopped.
---- BadAlloc BEGIN
A bad_alloc exception was thrown while processing module BlurredClustering/blurredcluster run: 50574864 subRun: 1 event: 27012
The job has probably exhausted the virtual memory available to the process.
---- BadAlloc END
Exception going through path reco
---- ScheduleExecutionFailure END
---- EventProcessorFailure END
---- FatalRootError BEGIN
Fatal Root Error: TTree::SetEntries
Tree branches have different numbers of entries, eg EventAuxiliary has 11 entries while sim::OpDetDivRecs_opdigi__detsim. has 100 entries.
ROOT severity: 2000
---- FatalRootError END
Art has completed and will exit with status 1.
=== End last 100 lines of lar log file ===