Jobsub ID
Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)
y: 0.0701188 z: -0.239188 length: 0.253131
PrimaryId 1, Nu 1, CR 0, MCPDG 2212, Energy 1.06611, Dist. 12.0459, nMCHits 64 (25, 16, 23)
-MatchedPfoId 1, Nu 1 [NuId: 1], CR 0, PDG 13, nMatchedHits 64 (25, 16, 23), nPfoHits 64 (25, 16, 23)
---INTERPRETED-MATCHING-OUTPUT------------------(my version)-----------------------------------------
Found: 2212 with KE=0.127837 GeV, E=1.06611 GeV, p2=0.256234
NCQEL_P (Nuance 1002, Nu 1, CR 0)
IsCorrectNu (NNuMatches: 1)
Parent Neutrino: -14
Neutrino Energy: 0.25313
Neutrino Momentum: x: 0.0441346 y: 0.0701188 z: -0.239188 length: 0.253131
PrimaryId 1, Nu 1, CR 0, MCPDG 2212, Energy 1.06611, Dist. 12.0459, nMCHits 64 (25, 16, 23)
-MatchedPfoId 1, Nu 1 [NuId: 1], CR 0, PDG 13, nMatchedHits 64 (25, 16, 23), nPfoHits 64 (25, 16, 23)
#CorrectNu: 1/1, Fraction: 1
Found: 2212 with KE=0.127837 GeV, E=1.06611 GeV, p2=0.256234
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrackMaker:pmtrack@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:32:19 CET run: 50574832 subRun: 1 event: 111600
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrackMaker:pmtracktc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:32:19 CET run: 50574832 subRun: 1 event: 111600
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: PMAlgTrackMaker:pmtracktc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:32:19 CET run: 50574832 subRun: 1 event: 111600
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
***Wiener Filter*******ApplyPostfilter***
Running Ophitfinder with InputDigiType = 'recob'
Found hits: 470!
23-Nov-2024 06:32:21 CET Closed output file "atmnu_max_weighted_randompolicy_dune10kt_1x2x6_50574832_1115_20231203T135638Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240508T044313Z_reco2_reco_data_2024-11-23T_044656Z.root"
23-Nov-2024 06:32:21 CET Closed input file "root://"
TimeTracker printout (sec) Min Avg Max Median RMS nEvts
Full event 0.59671 25.1349 379.556 9.93144 49.6113 100
source:RootInput(read) 0.0185901 0.163729 7.22889 0.0470011 0.742528 100
reco:linecluster:LineCluster 0.0948612 0.471353 12.1783 0.183657 1.42898 100
reco:trajcluster:TrajCluster 0.0477047 1.0988 51.4416 0.0666633 5.41233 100
reco:pandora:StandardPandora 0.0532455 2.18782 33.5185 1.18278 4.90942 100
reco:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation 0.000110971 0.00528899 0.068354 0.00159059 0.0105905 100
reco:pandoraShower:LArPandoraModularShowerCreation 0.000151121 0.0175252 0.827051 0.0030412 0.0832715 100
reco:pandoracalo:Calorimetry 8.5471e-05 0.0167149 0.415067 0.00120817 0.0524819 100
reco:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID 3.275e-05 0.000142874 0.000934858 0.000113286 0.000123769 100
reco:trkshowersplit:TrackShowerHits 5.078e-05 0.0243689 0.543156 0.000886958 0.0787155 100
reco:pmtrack:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.000903498 2.28723 43.3562 0.257182 6.66058 100
reco:pmtrackcalo:Calorimetry 5.387e-05 0.0100337 0.354879 0.000992168 0.0376668 100
reco:pmtrackpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.116e-05 0.000260799 0.00301542 0.000145076 0.00038742 100
reco:pmtrajfit:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000143952 1.57098 22.81 0.310645 3.49658 100
reco:pmtrajfitcalo:Calorimetry 5.009e-05 0.016227 0.42509 0.00204353 0.0528563 100
reco:pmtrajfitpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.087e-05 0.000160861 0.000703175 0.000124371 0.000121164 100
reco:pmtracktc:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.000718716 3.01725 79.1331 0.327698 9.59888 100
reco:pmtracktccalo:Calorimetry 5.1431e-05 0.00640033 0.15736 0.00106528 0.0185651 100
reco:pmtracktcpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.1771e-05 0.00022175 0.00174154 0.000150122 0.000256967 100
reco:pmtrajfittc:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000120381 1.43242 23.8314 0.253595 3.23167 100
reco:pmtrajfittccalo:Calorimetry 4.9431e-05 0.0126008 0.303512 0.00137743 0.0391608 100
reco:pmtrajfittcpid:Chi2ParticleID 2.063e-05 0.000312886 0.00247652 0.000172092 0.000424545 100
reco:blurredcluster:BlurredClustering 7.952e-05 0.854632 4.94249 0.535815 1.0596 100
reco:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId 9.602e-05 9.04297 103.596 2.83248 15.8779 100
reco:emshower:EMShower 0.000134421 0.0222357 0.193667 0.00562811 0.0368032 100
reco:cvnmap:CVNMapper 1.537e-05 0.0081402 0.0282461 0.00819843 0.00667691 100
reco:cvneva:CVNEvaluator 1.324e-05 0.596256 1.18925 0.695069 0.363611 100
reco:energyrecnumu:EnergyReco 0.000332003 0.0337663 0.483422 0.00383942 0.0918783 100
reco:energyrecnue:EnergyReco 0.000110211 0.00184015 0.0333062 0.000511825 0.00431718 100
reco:energyrecnc:EnergyReco 0.00145401 0.00388142 0.0386921 0.00269811 0.00507188 100
reco:energyrecnumurange:EnergyReco 0.000146982 0.030004 0.424488 0.00219682 0.0838065 100
reco:energyrecnumumcs:EnergyReco 0.00137256 0.0319932 0.468064 0.00322671 0.08645 100
reco:opdec:Deconvolution 0.0504161 0.325579 2.4149 0.280263 0.272965 100
reco:ophitspe:OpHitFinderDeco 0.15846 1.63104 4.69119 1.5848 0.794063 100
reco:opflash:OpFlashFinder 0.000113921 0.00121093 0.00402495 0.00115571 0.000593487 100
reco:rns:RandomNumberSaver 1.499e-05 3.20898e-05 0.000298413 3.05405e-05 2.8293e-05 100
reco:anglereconue:NuAngularReco 0.000118911 0.00143159 0.0270867 0.000391588 0.0038537 100
reco:anglereconumu:NuAngularReco 5.9541e-05 0.00124859 0.0290234 0.000203416 0.00397058 100
reco:anglereconuepfps:NuAngularReco 9.8801e-05 0.0013679 0.0291746 0.000337188 0.00396378 100
reco:anglereconumupfps:NuAngularReco 8.0801e-05 0.0012911 0.0291214 0.000284527 0.00391608 100
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter 7.13e-06 1.03498e-05 3.6251e-05 9.505e-06 3.39882e-06 100
end_path:out1:RootOutput 2.43e-06 5.44757e-06 1.924e-05 5.84e-06 2.30407e-06 100
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write) 0.00850158 0.204515 1.02303 0.194478 0.145115 100
MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)
Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak) : 21579.4 MB
Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2145.9 MB
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
=== End last 100 lines of lar log file ===