Jobsub ID
Jobscript log (last 10,000 characters)
BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:11:41 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
Track empty.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:11:41 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
TuneFullTree failed.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:11:41 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
0 enabled hits in AverageDist2 calculation.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:11:41 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
Track empty.
%MSG-e pma::Track3D: PMAlgTrajFitter:pmtrajfittc@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:11:41 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
TuneFullTree failed.
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: EMShower:emshower@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:12:02 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: EMShower:emshower@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:12:02 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
%MSG-e WireIDIntersectionCheck: EMShower:emshower@BeginModule 23-Nov-2024 06:12:02 CET run: 6402377 subRun: 1 event: 54100
Comparing two wires in the same plane: return failure
Boundary wire vector sizes: 694, 810, 593
minwire 0: 2802
minwire 1: 576
minwire 2: 2577
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 199
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 199
Used alternate method to get min and max tdcs due to vertex determination failure: 0, 199
Classifier summary:
Output 0: 0.139513, 0.638764, 0.221722,
Output 1: 0.280275, 0.614833, 0.0957282, 0.00916362,
Output 2: 0.0546993, 0.945301,
***Wiener Filter*******ApplyPostfilter***
Running Ophitfinder with InputDigiType = 'recob'
Found hits: 1961!
23-Nov-2024 06:12:08 CET Closed output file "atmnu_max_weighted_randompolicy_dune10kt_1x2x6_6402377_540_20231202T110152Z_gen_g4_detsim_hitreco__20240507T221846Z_reco2_reco_data_2024-11-23T_040237Z.root"
23-Nov-2024 06:12:08 CET Closed input file "root://"
TimeTracker printout (sec) Min Avg Max Median RMS nEvts
Full event 1.00446 38.2784 517.427 10.8018 80.8399 100
source:RootInput(read) 0.032825 0.0614689 0.115235 0.0558469 0.0201106 100
reco:linecluster:LineCluster 0.19275 0.495117 5.05263 0.30989 0.746012 100
reco:trajcluster:TrajCluster 0.0967063 1.21959 30.0595 0.107129 4.34799 100
reco:pandora:StandardPandora 0.111296 2.8635 40.291 1.73374 5.03309 100
reco:pandoraTrack:LArPandoraTrackCreation 0.000153343 0.00782714 0.117145 0.00159258 0.0186468 100
reco:pandoraShower:LArPandoraModularShowerCreation 0.000247865 0.0153593 0.277159 0.00341254 0.0346805 100
reco:pandoracalo:Calorimetry 0.000108142 0.0258994 0.63882 0.0011602 0.0902825 100
reco:pandorapid:Chi2ParticleID 4.0071e-05 0.000212881 0.00169793 0.000148163 0.000217822 100
reco:trkshowersplit:TrackShowerHits 8.0951e-05 0.0314542 0.802512 0.000591306 0.112803 100
reco:pmtrack:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.00147568 3.51195 61.0876 0.253329 9.79367 100
reco:pmtrackcalo:Calorimetry 9.7681e-05 0.0119945 0.29324 0.000935847 0.037144 100
reco:pmtrackpid:Chi2ParticleID 3.279e-05 0.000385105 0.00379557 0.000158673 0.000595857 100
reco:pmtrajfit:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000251814 3.50947 92.2765 0.259019 10.9401 100
reco:pmtrajfitcalo:Calorimetry 8.7481e-05 0.0233386 0.551071 0.00142715 0.0751456 100
reco:pmtrajfitpid:Chi2ParticleID 3.8551e-05 0.000239197 0.00112774 0.000164318 0.000213185 100
reco:pmtracktc:PMAlgTrackMaker 0.00134436 4.4603 89.8693 0.203855 13.1638 100
reco:pmtracktccalo:Calorimetry 7.5001e-05 0.00893547 0.16051 0.00106188 0.025046 100
reco:pmtracktcpid:Chi2ParticleID 4.2991e-05 0.000357768 0.00268881 0.000161768 0.000506609 100
reco:pmtrajfittc:PMAlgTrajFitter 0.000261584 2.59882 47.3302 0.279559 6.58055 100
reco:pmtrajfittccalo:Calorimetry 8.9882e-05 0.0206288 0.477186 0.00115468 0.0708223 100
reco:pmtrajfittcpid:Chi2ParticleID 3.9381e-05 0.000492736 0.0051497 0.000164223 0.000835289 100
reco:blurredcluster:BlurredClustering 0.000130782 1.24677 9.34698 0.414181 1.93325 100
reco:emtrkmichelid:EmTrackMichelId 0.000150952 14.2815 166.606 2.83616 29.4762 100
reco:emshower:EMShower 0.000215194 0.0459562 0.4046 0.00718565 0.087024 100
reco:cvnmap:CVNMapper 2.434e-05 0.00937833 0.0507653 0.00847368 0.00991769 100
reco:cvneva:CVNEvaluator 2.117e-05 0.742901 1.53501 1.06612 0.540698 100
reco:energyrecnumu:EnergyReco 0.000431088 0.037024 0.999931 0.00449927 0.125283 100
reco:energyrecnue:EnergyReco 0.000185173 0.00263685 0.0310591 0.000579041 0.00538007 100
reco:energyrecnc:EnergyReco 0.0022578 0.00579524 0.0381289 0.00372927 0.00601112 100
reco:energyrecnumurange:EnergyReco 0.000191803 0.0344159 1.00084 0.00361161 0.123037 100
reco:energyrecnumumcs:EnergyReco 0.00182823 0.0364286 1.03825 0.00471977 0.125287 100
reco:opdec:Deconvolution 0.106401 0.418046 0.700952 0.419283 0.132837 100
reco:ophitspe:OpHitFinderDeco 0.290156 2.23249 4.53539 2.05816 1.00858 100
reco:opflash:OpFlashFinder 0.000138873 0.00161393 0.00416101 0.00149934 0.000839365 100
reco:rns:RandomNumberSaver 1.8861e-05 3.66729e-05 0.000322405 2.82905e-05 3.13692e-05 100
reco:anglereconue:NuAngularReco 0.000174713 0.00194884 0.0277855 0.000365212 0.00491376 100
reco:anglereconumu:NuAngularReco 8.7222e-05 0.00180266 0.0270503 0.000234314 0.00488912 100
reco:anglereconuepfps:NuAngularReco 0.000136703 0.00194858 0.027429 0.000372932 0.00493599 100
reco:anglereconumupfps:NuAngularReco 0.000146432 0.00189164 0.0275735 0.000320621 0.00497361 100
[art]:TriggerResults:TriggerResultInserter 1.002e-05 1.53713e-05 5.7341e-05 1.37e-05 6.28344e-06 100
end_path:out1:RootOutput 3.03e-06 6.1225e-06 2.608e-05 4.4655e-06 3.49232e-06 100
end_path:out1:RootOutput(write) 0.0150534 0.306136 1.27501 0.301369 0.250381 100
MemoryTracker summary (base-10 MB units used)
Peak virtual memory usage (VmPeak) : 21408.2 MB
Peak resident set size usage (VmHWM): 2264.83 MB
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
=== End last 100 lines of lar log file ===